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About Me

My name is Raffael and I am a potential, passion and personal developer. I see a limitless potential in everything and everyone. I am passionate about supporting people and groups to recognise and unfold their limitless potential.


My vision is to share my passion and by inspiring my surroundings to put a focus on their limitless possibilities and to thereby contribute to a better world.


After graduating from a classical business school (Wirtschaftsmittelschule Bern) and gaining hands-on working experience I was longing to deepen my knowledge in the field of Business Management. It was essential to me to put a focus on personal development and societal growth. I discovered the Kaospilots Switzerland, a full time study program to become a social entrepreneur, changemaker and creative leader.


Absolving this training enabled me to deepen my business knowledge (project design & management, business design &  management and process design) as well as to experience and learn some highly effective, practice-oriented tools (self reflection, personal development and teambuilding).


A big focus during the education was on personal growth and the council guide training. The council guide training originates from old native american tribal wisdom that enables to move as a tribe and to listen to all voices. 


I acquired practical tools that can be used in a group or to work with ourselves and others with the purpose of listening to our heart and acting from a place of love. 


Over the last few years I discovered and cultivated the following qualities. I am excited to bring these qualities into our sessions.

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See the inner child and its full potential

I have a heightened awareness of seeing the inner child. The dreamer, the explorer, the one that protects his inner fire and wants to express him/herself to the fullest


Reading energies / vibes

I am good at telling where an idea comes from, is it based on fear or love? What is happening in the room? Where and what needs attention right now in order to move forward?


Deep Listener

By being present, deep listening and a nonjudgemental attitude, I am listening deeply to what is said. In addition to the spoken words I am sensitive to nonverbal signals that I take in with all my senses. I am hearing what is said. Here and now.


Limitless possibilities

With an open and creative mind I am building the space and the courage for limitless thinking.


Asking the accurate questions

I trust my instincts and do not hesitate to ask the question that is often kept under the table.


Open hearted, high acceptance and respect

I have an open mind and a big understanding for each one's uniqueness. Once we allow ourselves to be ourselves, we unfold in a beautiful way.


Holistic thinker

I am convinced that everything is connected and that the decisions we take now, should have a positive impact on the next generations.


Welcoming / trustful

I have a very welcoming and direct personality and people usually don't take a long time to trust me. People like to open up in my presence.


We live in a time of drastic change. Connection to the heart, self value, mental health and our passions are gaining significance. Personal growth, fulfillment and happiness are getting more important than financial growth. People want to get out of their hamster wheels and become the director/directress of their own circus wheels. Over the past years I have discovered several ways that can support you in this journey to a more self governed life. I am convinced that there is a unique way to go for everyone. I gladly help you to find your unique journey and support you to find your own solution, as an individual or a group.

Self Responsibility and respect is one of the most important things when moving into a more self governed life. It is your life and it is you who takes the decisions. The heart knows, we just have to relearn to listen to it and act in harmony with it. In our childhood we are more connected to our dream of life but while growing up we often loose sight of them. Some patterns, that were crucial while growing up, are no longer relevant and as we grow up it is important to let go of these beliefs again. For example we need to learn that fire is dangerous, as an adult it is very important to learn how to make use of it in order to warm yourself and to cook with it.

Goal Setting helps us to set a focus and to select the areas we want to grow in life. Once we have set our goals, learning possibilities emerge out of the challenges we are facing on our journey to reach our goals and dreams. What we visualize is what we are going to manifest. Without goals, we deal with random problems and will not move towards our dreams.

What we focus on, is where our energy goes. Be aware of your thoughts and what you focus on, so you can make the best out of the energy resources you have. Let go of old patterns, focus on what you really want in your life and provide space for it to actually come into your life.

Self Reflection and constructivism are the basics for understanding to learn from our experiences, thoughts and emotions and therefore for the recognition of the present potential for development and come closer to our goals.

Mirrors are everywhere. We reflect ourselves in others and the surrounding systems. Everything is a self reflection. Find peace in your own actions and belief systems and the surrounding will not bring up hard emotions. It only shows you who you are and who you don't want to be. This helps us to identify the next areas to grow.

Our head is like a TV, there is a positive and a negative channel, you have the switch in your hand and with practice you can switch between the channels within seconds. Beautiful things can only be created out of love.

Life goes in cycles, so does the year. It is natural that we are turning in cycles, some are shorter, others are longer. Some are connected to the annual calendar and the season, some are on a daily basis, some are even overlooking a cycle of around 7 or even 28 years. It is important to be aware of them and to value them. 

- Shiny eyes come from the inside -

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